To access settings about your client application, navigate to Applications. Click “settings” on the appropriate client then click the settings tab below the name of your application.
On this tab you can modify the details of your application, including:
- Name - Change the name of your application as it will be presented to your end-user on the login screen.
- Client id - Change the client id of your application as referenced in your application code and tokens. Be aware that changing the name of your client id for in-use applications is generally not a good idea, since those applications will have to be updated for them to continue working.
- Client secret - The generated secret of your client application. This field cannot be modified manually. In case of secret leakage, use the “Rotate client secret” functionality at the bottom of the page.
- Application type - Generally you would not need to change the application type for existing client applications, but if needed the application type can be changed between web, spa, native and m2m. Note that changing the application type for existing clients might have adverse effects in case of production applications.
- Redirect urls - Specify the valid urls your application can redirect back to after a successful authorization request. Multiple redirect urls can be separated with a space or with a new-line. This field is optional, but note that you would not be able to complete an authorization request without having defined at least one valid redirect url.
- Access token TTL - The lifetime of issued access tokens in seconds.
Rotating client secret
The following action could have potentially irreversible and adverse effects on your running application.
Useful for cases when secrets had inadvertently been leaked. This will generate a new random 32 character secret for your application. Note that this will require changes to your application code.
Delete your application
Deleting your application is irreversible.
Deleting your application is irreversible, and will delete everything related to the client, including api scopes, branding changes and metrics.