Quick and easily add authentication to your Spring Boot application.
This guide assumes you’ve already set up your application in the Kenni developer portal.
Create an ApplicationThis guide also assumes you’ve already scaffolded a Spring Boot application, and for these examples, we’ll be using Java. The most important bits with regards to creating your application would be to include the
dependency.Register Kenni as your application’s OAuth provider
Add the following to your
file:yamlspring: security: oauth2: client: registration: kenni-client: client-id: "some-client-id" client-secret: some-client-secret client-authentication-method: "client_secret_basic" authorization-grant-type: authorization_code redirect-uri: "{baseUrl}/login/oauth2/code/{registrationId}" scope: openid, national_id provider: kenni require-proof-key: true require-authorization-consent: false provider: kenni: issuer-uri: https://idp.kenni.is/some-issuer
All required values in this section can be found in the overview tab of your application in the Kenni Developer Portal.
with the base url your application is running under.Replace
with the name of your issuer. This can be copied from the overview tab of your application, and will look something like: https://idp.kenni.is/your-domain
in the authorization params with identity claims you wish to receive from Kenni. All available identity claims are listed in the overview tab.If the issuing of
as JWT’s is desired, include an API scope next to your identity scopes. For more information regarding API scopes, see Authorizing API scopes.Replace
and clientSecret
with the appropriate values.Register the SecurityFilterChain bean
The exact implementation of your
will differ due to the routes you’d be protecting, but a good start could look something like this:java@Bean public SecurityFilterChain securityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http, ClientRegistrationRepository repo) throws Exception { var base_uri = OAuth2AuthorizationRequestRedirectFilter.DEFAULT_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST_BASE_URI; var resolver = new DefaultOAuth2AuthorizationRequestResolver(repo, base_uri); resolver.setAuthorizationRequestCustomizer(OAuth2AuthorizationRequestCustomizers.withPkce()); http.authorizeHttpRequests((authorizeRequests) -> authorizeRequests .requestMatchers("/authed/**").authenticated() .requestMatchers("/**").permitAll()) .oauth2Login((login) -> login.authorizationEndpoint( authorizationEndpointConfig -> authorizationEndpointConfig.authorizationRequestResolver(resolver))); return http.build(); }
In this example, all routes under
will require authentication, and everything else will allow anonymous access.Accessing tokens in controllers
Both the ID- and Access Token can be read from the
in Spring controllers.The following snippet would retrieve tokens in the
route:java@GetMapping("/user") public String index(Model model, @AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser oidcUser, @RegisteredOAuth2AuthorizedClient("kenni-client") OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorizedClient) { model.addAttribute("idToken", oidcUser.getIdToken().getTokenValue()); model.addAttribute("accessToken", authorizedClient.getAccessToken().getTokenValue()); return "user"; }
The example above is for demonstration purposes, and we would not recommend adding the Access Token to the view model.
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