Create an Application

If you haven’t done so already, log in to the Kenni Developer Portal and create a new team.
To manage all applications for your team, navigate to Applications.
  1. In the top right corner of the page click “Create application”
  1. You will be presented with a modal containing a sub-set of the required values for creating a client application. Fill out the details according to the needs of your application.
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  1. Name - This is the display name of your application and will be presented to your end-users when they log in to your application
  1. Client id - This is the way your client will be identified in application code, access tokens and id-tokens. Since the prefix is used to prevent collision between clients, it cannot be changed. Ensure that the prefix is added when referencing your client in code.
  1. Application type - Whether your application runs on a native device, like IOS or Android, is an SPA (single page application), a web application with access to a server component or a machine to machine application, f.ex. a cli tool or a server to server api call.
  1. Click “Create application”.
  1. You will now be presented with an overview of your application details, which provides convenient links for copying values for use in your application code.
Please note that Kenni will generate a unique client secret when creating the application. You will also be able to register your application’s redirect urls from the next screen.